Monthly Archives: July 2014

Guidelines on the preparation of manuscripts

The following guidelines should be obeyed for the successful submission and further processing of manuscripts for the special conference issue of journal Chemické listy. Reviews are not accepted, only research articles. The main and corresponding author must be the student who presented lecture at YISAC 2014 conference. The topic of the article must be in accordance with the presentation held in conference. Each article will undergo a peer-review process by the members of Scientific Committee of YISAC 2014 conference, who will also judge the quality a scientific novelty of manuscript to maintain high level of publications.

The minimum length of text should be 6 type-written pages with a maximum of 10 pages plus no more than 8 figures and tables. All figures have to be in black & white with resolution of 300 dpi and higher. Monochrome images (graphs, schemes etc.) should be supplied with resolution of 600 dpi and higher. Figures could be inserted in appropriate places in the manuscript, but original files in TIFF (monochrome images) or JPG (grayscale images) format with sufficient resolution will be required for publishing. Spelling may be either UK or US standard English, but consistency should be maintained within a manuscript. Please italicize symbols of physical quantities in both graphics and the text, but not their units.  Stereochemical information (cisZR, etc.), locants (N-methyl, α-amino), and symmetry designations (C2v) should also be italicized.  Chemical formulae should be numbered with boldface Arabic numerals. Labels of axes should be separated from their units by a comma. A minus sign must be as long as the crossbar of a plus sign.

Citation style indicated in the template must be followed. Do not format the references section with the numbering function on your word-processing program. If you use the automatic reference system (Footnotes, EndNote), please convert the references into normal, typed text before submission of the final manuscript. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI,